The Zhao Group


Bruker Magnet System 400'54 Ascend Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer

Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) is an information rich, non-destructive analytical technique. It provides detailed information about molecular structure, dynamic processes and allows the direct observation of chemical reactions. It is also a primary quantitative method allowing the determination of concentration of molecules even in complex mixtures.  In addition to the well-known observation of hydrogen, carbon, fluorine and phosphorous it can be used on a large number of other elements.

NMR is an indispensable tool in chemistry. From structure elucidation and verification to monitoring of reactions, organic chemistry cannot be imagined without this powerful analytical method. In other areas of chemistry NMR provides rare insight into such aspects as structure of catalysts, the state and reactions of electrolytes in batteries.

Proteins are key to myriad structural and dynamic functions of the body, including the movement of muscle and the specificity of enzymes and receptors. A significant proportion of biological research using NMR is thus focused on the structure of, and interaction between proteins. This is complemented with metabolomic studies to determine the relative quantities of endogenous metabolites. Together, they have facilitated elucidation of numerous biological processes and their responses to external stimuli at a molecular level.

Bruker has a comprehensive selection of NMR solutions that can easily be used in conjunction with other analytical techniques, such as mass spectroscopy and x-ray crystallography. The AVANCE NEO range provides cutting-edge NMR performance with faster control, improved dynamic range and greater flexibility and scalability. The AVANCE NEO NanoBay provides all this in a compact footprint bringing state-of-the-art technology to the routine laboratory. The new Fourier 80 benchtop brings FT-NMR capabilities to any chemistry lab.